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Eyes Healthcare

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Things To Know Before Getting LASIK Surgery

​LASIK surgery is one of the important parts of Health. This can help many people who suffer from low to moderate eyesight problems. LASIK eye surgery is a painless and quick procedure, but there are some minor complications and risks involved with the surgery.


One must understand what happens before, during and after the surgery in case if thinking about having it done. It is beneficial to have some realistic expectations for this surgery before the procedure starts. Most surgeons will talk to you first and explain completely about the after and before the procedure. Just like many other patients, you may have several questions about the surgery. The list of frequently asked questions about the surgery are as follows:


Am I suitable for LASIK?


It completely depends on several factors for a person to be an ideal candidate for this surgery. When you make a first appointment for the surgery, your eye doctor will ask some questions and note down your health background. Your eyes and history of your eyesight problems will also be an important factor in determining whether or not you can have this procedure done. For those with health complications like diabetes and autoimmune diseases, this procedure is not recommended.


A person cannot have this surgery if he is below the age of 18. If you are suffering from degenerative eye diseases, you don’t qualify for this surgery. Your eye surgeon will take the decision depending on all these factors. People who are not suitable for this procedure suffer a lot in the future.


Are there any complications of this surgery?


Just like with any other medical procedure or surgery there are complications and risks involved with LASIK as well. Most people don’t have any issues, but some people do. One of the most commonly reported side effects is reduced low light vision. This can cause halos or glow around the objects that are lit during the night. These side effects will disappear after some time.

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